
  1. Since 1967 more than 65 research projects funded by various Governmental and other agencies have been carried out. These agencies are DST, DBT, UGC MoEF, ISRO NRSA, ICAR, WWF, NBRI, SIDA and Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology.
  2. Ex situ conservation of Species of flowering plants.
  3. Development of tissue culture protocols for RET Species of Southern Peninsular, India.
  4. Survey and Floristic Publication of the Plains and Hills of Tamil Nadu State.
  5. Floristic Investigations of Sacred Groves of Tamil Nadu.
  6. Natural Resources Analysis of the Eastern Ghats of South India using Remote Sensing and GIS.
  7. Ethnobotanical studies in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu.
  8. Biodiversity Characterisation of the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu.
  9. Technology transfer of Orchid floriculture to tribals by adopting mycorrhizal technology.
  10. The RHT has published a 7 volume illustrated regional Flora since 1976 on over 45,000 plant collections covering more than 950 field days. Four volumes deal with the plains and hills of central Tamil Nadu and three volumes account for the Palni hills. An Excursion Flora, first in English, later in Tamil ensures easy access to all. Biodiversity findings have been fed into IUCN data base.
  11. There is a corpus of over 3000 full page illustrations of plants.
  12. SHOLA, our bi-annual newsletter published by RHT records our activities and keeps us in contact with stake holders.
  13. RHT enjoys the uniqueness of possessing a hill laboratory: AINH Anglade Institute of Natural History.
  14. A Natural History Museum.
  15. LEAD Garden in the Palnis.
  16. Vegetation Carbon Pool Assessment of India Phase 1 and Phase 2 in collaboration with ISRO, Govt. of India.
  17. Capacity building in Taxonomy.
  18. Digitization of RHT Herbarium specimens – Ongoing.
  19. DNA barcoding – Ongoing.

Future Thrust
  1. Conservation based Floristics
  2. Monography
  3. Ethnobotany
  4. Vegetation mapping
  5. Bioprospecting of Ethnobotanical Resource Documentation
  6. Molecular Systematics of threatened species
  7. In situ, Ex situ Conservation
  8. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

The centre welcomes International Scientists, Research Scholars, Students and Voluntary Organizations to use our resources and Lab facilities for Collaborative and Multi disciplinary Research, Tiruchirappalli is well connected by Domestic and International Flight Services, Train and Road with all the major cities of India.

The All India Award was posthumously conferred on Dr. K. M. Matthew and reveived by Dr. S. John Britto on 16th September 2004, New Delhi

Employment Reader in Botany, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli (1967-1989) Founder Director of twin Institutes (below)
1973 Z.W.O. Fellowship of the Dutch Government, Leiden
1989 Best Teacher (University) Award of the Tamil Nadu Government for 1984-85
1998 Exnora Innovator’s Award (1998)
2002 Anna Environmental Award (2002) of the Tamil Nadu Government
2002 Election as Foreign Member (FMLS) of the Linnean Society of London (2002)
Research Contributions
  1. Founding of two Institutes as base of work:
    1. The Rapinat Herbarium (1971) as base of plant diversity research;
    2. The Anglade Institute of Natural History (1980) as base of environmental education and conservation research
  2. Publication of seven illustrated volumes on the Flora of Tamil Nadu State
  3. Environmental contributions:
    1. Massive Environmental Awareness Generation of the wider community involving 57,300 trainees in 4 3 batches from 437 centres in South India (1984-2002) through a 3-day, round-the-year programme free of charge
    2. Conservation research, both in situ and ex situ
    3. Eco-restoration on the wider Palni hills, as Founder-Vice President of the PHCC and net – working with like-minded environmental organizations and Government Departments.

1979 Hemalatha Sundarakumar Sapindales of the Carnatic Tamilnadu
1979 Livingstone, C. Malvales of the Carnatic, Tamilnadu
1985 Michael, P. Eriocaulon Spp. of Tamilnadu
1987 Ravi Viswanathan A Taxonomic study of Genus Crotalaria
1987 Latha Isabel, M. Taxonomic Investigations on Capparaceae in Tamilnadu
1990 Merina Rosalind Sathiaseelli A Taxonomic study of Genus Cassia, L. (Caesalpinioideae) om Tamilnadu
1990 Augustine, K.T. A Taxonomic study of Genus Indigofera L. (Papilionoideae) in Tamil Nadu
1993 Jayaraj Gorantla A Taxonomic study of Genus Acacia Mill. (Mimosoideae) in Tamilnadu
1993 D"Souza, K. A Taxonomic study of Genus Cyperus L. (Cyperaceae) in Tamilnadu
1994 Alice, C. A. The Biology and Taxonomy of Solanaceae
1995 Jaseentha, M.O. The Biology and Taxonomy of Labiatae
1997 Syed Mohammed Abdullah, S A Study on Medicinal plants of Papilionoideae in Tamilnadu
1998 Muthumari, R. An Investigation on seed germination, seedling morphology, VAM inoculation and Tissue Culture Studies of Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth) Santapu & Wagh (Caesalpinioideae)
1999 Jesintha Mary, P. Micropropagation through in-Vitro layering multiple shooting and Regeneration using different types of explants in Solanum incanum L. and Datura quercifolia H.B.&K.
2003 Vinothkumar, D. Phtosociological studies of Sacred Groves in Pudukottai District
2003 Varalakshmi, B Enhancement of Biodegradation of oil by Rhamnolipid biosurfactant from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2003 Venkatachalam, P. Effect of Biofertilizers on the growth of Sorghum bicolor L.
2004 Gopinath, K. A Study on Anti-cholesterolemic activity of Camellia sinensis Linn. On cholesterol induced Albinorats
2004 Sathya, P. A study on Anti-bacterial and Anti-fungal activity of Calotropis gigantea on some Human pathogens
2004 Sagadevan, T. Sensitivity patterns of some Flowering plants Against Salmonella typhi and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
2004 Poongodi, R. Micropropagation of Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Var. pruriens
2005 Karthikeyan, T. RAPD based DNA finger printing and Isozyme analysis in Cashew (Genus Anacardium L.)
2005 Balagayathri, R. RAPID Serological methods to assess the Bio-fertilizer (Rhizobium TNAU 14) quality in commercial production units
2006 Revathi, C. Similarity search for Rhizoctonia species using database sources
2006 Jayalaksyhmi, C. Impact of Bio-Inputs in the Agrotechniques of Solanum trilobatum (Thudhuvaelai)
2006 Nalini, K. Investigation on the Antibacterial activities of Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Zingiberaceae)
2007 Salaikanagavalli, K. Gramineae of the Sirumalai Hills, South India
2007 Sudha, S. A Novel Genomics approach for Identification of Therapeutic targets in Leptospira interrogans
2007 Diana dorathi, C. Transmembrane Helices, Signal Peptides and Internal repeats analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (chromosome V and VI) and modelling of HSP 70
2007 Meena K. Cheruvathur In-Vitro Regeneration and Antimicrobial activity of Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb.
2007 Pandiyan, G. Ethnobotany of the Chellipale community of Namakkal District Tamilnadu
2007 Senthilkumar, P. In-Vitro plant Regeneration of Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. (Poaceae)
2007 Philip Robinson, J. Antibacterial activity and In-Vitro propagation of Launea sarmentosa (Willd.) Schltz-Bip.
2007 Kochuthressia, K.P. In-Vitro Propagation and Antimicrobial Screening of Alpinia purpurata (Vieill.) K. Schum.
2008 Jubimol Jacob In-Vitro Regeneration and Antimicrobial Screening of Vitex leucoxylon Linn.f. (Verbenaceae)
2008 Paramasivan, G. A Taxonomic survey of Medicinal Plants in Thalavumalai Reserve Forest-Erode District, Tamilnadu
2008 Edwin Raj, E. Phylogenetic study on some species of the subtribe Cassiinae (Fabaceae Caesalpinioideae, Cassiae) Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidences.
2009 Lourthu Paul Raj Antimicrobial studies and composition on two medicinal plants
2009 Selvakumar, A. Studies on seed germination of selected Medicinal plants
2010 Brigit Kavitha,J. Studies on the Occurrence and Identification of Endophytic bacteria through Biochemical Means in Rice and Sorghum
2010 Keerthiga Orchid Associated Rhizoctonia species- A Data Base Approach
2010 Shanmugapriya, R Antimicrobial screening, Phytochemical and Mycorrhizal analysis of Vanda coerulea Griff. ex Lindl.
2010 Joelri Michael Raj, L. Phylogenetic studies in some species of genus Crotalaria using morphology and proteins as taxonomic markers
2010 Manimala, N. In-Vitro antimicrobial studies on Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Roxb.
2011 Krishnakumar, J. Phytochemical and Antimicrobial analysis of Clausena austro-indica B.C. Stone and K.N. Nair
2011 Immanuvel Sagayaraj, M. Micropropagation and Antimicrobial analysis of Olax imbricata Roxb. (Olacaceae)
2013 Silvy Mathew Comparative anatomical Studies on Alpinia species and some valuable Medicinal Plants
2013 Sinjumil Thomas Mycorrhizal and Anatomical studies in Hedychium and some valubale Medicinal Plants
2014 Mariat George Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Evaluation of Curcuma species
2014 Raphael R. Marandi Herbal study of Oraon Tribals of Latehar District (Hgarkhand) from Ethnobotanical perspective
2015 Dessy V.J. Biological Investigation of selected Medicinal plants of Apocyhnaceae
2015 Ignae Kindo Microscopic, Phytochemical, Antibacterial and Antioxidant studies in Salvadora persica L. and Azima tetracantha Lam.

Year Guide Research scholar Topics
1994 Dr.S. John Britto SJ D. Suresh Baburaj A Medicobotanical Assessment of Plants used in the Recognized Systems of Medicine in Tamilnadu
1995 Dr.S. John Britto SJ P. Michael Floristic studies of Semmalai hills off Tiruchirappalli - Tamilnadu
1997 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Roselin Endomorphological Features and the Taxonomy of South Indian species of the genus Euphorbia
2002 Dr.S. John Britto SJ B.Balaguru Plant Diversity Assessment and its conseration in the Shervarayan hills of the Eastern Ghats of Tamilnadu using Remote sensing and Geographical Information system
2002 Dr.S. John Britto SJ D. Natarajan Mapping Vegetation, Community Structure analysis and its conservation in the Chitteri hills of the Eastern Ghats of Tamilnadu
2002 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Soosairaj Phytosociological analysis and Conservation strategies in Pacchaimalai hills Eastern Ghats using Remote sensing and GIS
2005 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Mr. A. Giriraj Spatial Characterization and Conservation Prioritization in Tropical Evergreen Forests of Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu using Geoinformatics.
2011 Dr.S. John Britto SJ L.Cathrine Phytochemical studies on Vitex lecucoxylm L.f. Verbenaceae used in Indian systems of medicine
1997-2001 Dr.S. John Britto SJ M. Gabrial Paulraj Intergration of intercrops and Plant Products for chosen groundnut pests Management
1999-2001 Dr.S. John Britto SJ K.T. Augustine Floristic Study of the Flowering Plants of Coromandel Coast Tamil Nadu
1999-2002 Dr.S. John Britto SJ J.John Antimicrobial Screening, Phytochemical analysis and in vitro studies on Momordica dioica Roxb. Ex Willd
2000-2003 Dr.S. John Britto SJ S. Ravipaul Analysis of Plant Diversity and its Conservation in the Javadi Hills of the Eastern Ghats in Tamilnadu
2001-2005 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Joseph Selvaraj Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Investigations of Medicinal Plants – Azima tetracantha Lam., Salvadora persica L. (Salvadoraceae) and Phyllanthus debilis Klein ex Willd. (Euphorbiaceae)
2002-2009 Dr.S. John Britto SJ S. Sahaya Sathish Studies on the Bryopsida (Moss flora) of the Kolli hills in the Eastern Ghats of Tamilnadu, India
2004-2007 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Mr. D.Vinothkumar In vitro propagation, antimicrobial screening and phytochemical analysis of Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) Stapf Asclepiadoideae-(sensu Endress and Bruyns)
2004-2008 Dr.S. John Britto SJ G. Paul Arockiam Ethnobotanical Investigations on the Santal Tribals of Burdwan District of West Bengal,India
2004-2008 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Mr. J.Philip Robinson In vitro Regeneration and Phytochemical Studies on Emilia zeylanica C.B. Clarke (Asteraceae) – a Valuable Medicinal Herb
2004-2008 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Mr. J.Sebastinraj Asymbiotic seed Germination and Micropropagation of Selected Orchid Species from The Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India
2004-2009 Dr.S. John Britto SJ K. Prabhakaran Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Investigations of Medicinal Plants – Azima tetracantha Lam., Salvadora persica L. (Salvadoraceae) and Phyllanthus debilis Klein ex Willd. (Euphorbiaceae)
2005-2007 Dr.S. John Britto SJ C. Revathi Studies on the mycorrhizal association (Rhizoctonia oryzae sativae) and its characterization in Acanthephippium bicolor Lindley.)”
2005-2008 Dr.S. John Britto SJ D. Alagesa Pandian Grazing Resources Mapping and Carrying Capacity Assessment Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
2005-2009 Dr.S. John Britto SJ M. Mary Nirmala Rani Ethnomedicinal Plants and their uses among the Tribals of the Kalrayan hills of Tamilnadu, India
2005-2011 Dr.S. John Britto SJ R. Shanmuga Priya Antimicrobial Screening, Phytochemical and Mycorrhizal Analysis of Vanda coerulea Griff. ex Lindl.
2006-2008 Dr.S. John Britto SJ M.O. Jaseentha In vitro regeneration, antimicrobial and phytochemical analysis of Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.(Papilionoideae).
2006-2009 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Jayaraj Gorantla Evaluation of genetic diversity of some important eucalyptus species and construction of phylogenetic trees
2006-2010 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Mr.P. Paulsharma Charkravarthy Identification and Validation of Drug Targets from Bacterial Genomes
2008-2010 Dr.S. John Britto SJ P. Thangavel In vitro propagation of Plectranthus barbatus Andrews – A Valuable Medicinal plant in the Palni Hills of the Western Ghats, South India
2008-2011 Dr.S. John Britto SJ K. P. Kochuthressia In vitro Propagation, Genetic Diversity, Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Studies of Kaempferia galanga L. (ZINGIBERACEAE)- An endangered and valuable Medicinal Plant
2008-2011 Dr.S. John Britto SJ S. Prabhu In Vitro Regeneration, Molecular Systematics, Comparative Antimicrobial Activity and Phytochemical Studies in Canavalia (PAPILIONOIDEAE)- A Valuable Medicinal Genus.”
2008-2012 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Mr. L Joelri Michael Raj Molecular Systematics, Micropropagation, Antimicrobial and Phytochemical studies in selected species of Crotalaria Linn.
2009-2013 Dr.S. John Britto SJ N. Manimala Studies on genetic diversity, In Vitro Regeneration, Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Analysis of Morinda citrifolia L. (noni)-a Valuable Medicinal Plant
2010-2013 Dr.S. John Britto SJ S. Jenifer Isolation and Characterization of the Endophytic Fungus from the Leaves of Beilschmiedia gammieana King ex Hook. F.
2011-2014 Dr.S. John Britto SJ T. Radhamani Antimicrobial,Phytochemical, Taxonomic and Ethnobotanical Studies on Seven Medicinal Plants of Peninsular India
2012-2015 Dr.S. John Britto SJ M. Immanuel Sagayaraj Evaluation of Genetic Diversity and Antimicrobial Study in Menispermaceae Members
2012-2015 Dr.S. John Britto SJ J. Krishnakumar "DNA Barcoding, Phytochemical, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant studies in selected species of Rutaceae"
2012-2015 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Ms.Silvy Mathew Micropropagation, Antimicrobial Studies, DNA Barcoding And Phytochemical Screening in Alpinia Calcarata
2012-2015 Dr.S. John Britto SJ M. Thamacin Arulappan Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Analysis of Selected Medicinal Plants in Gingee Hills, Tamilnadu
2012-2016 Dr.S. John Britto SJ Sinjumol Thmoas Classical and Molecular Taxonomy and Systematics and study of Silver nanoparticles in Hedychium from the Western Ghats

  1. Professor Emeritus, University Grants Commission, New Delhi, 2007
  2. Fellow of the Linnaean Society, London (2000) -FLS
  3. Fellow of the Indian Botanical Society (IBS)- 2000.
  4. Fellow of Indian Angiosperm Taxonomy (FIAT) 2000.
  5. TANSA award for biodiversity research by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, 2001.
  6. International Plant Scientist Award 2003, Academy of Plant Sciences, India (APSI) Lucknow
  7. Fellow of International Conference of Chemistry and Environment (FICCE) 2001.
  8. Distinguished achievement award in MEDICINAL BOTANY by Sri Sankara Educational and Charitable Trust, Tiruchirappalli, 2001.
  9. Best Principal Award for the year 1997-98 by Government of Tamil Nadu (Dr. Radhakrishnan award).
  10. Dr Sam Higginbottom Award for Best Principals of AIACHE Colleges, India – AIACHE – 2004 -2005.
  11. Member research Board of Advisors 1999- The American Biographical Institute.
  12. International Man of the year 1999-2000 by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
  13. The 20th Century Award for Achievement in the field of Plant Science and Higher Education by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.