
These refer to publications ,collections illustrations and similar materials published or prepared by Jesuits and other lay collaborators since 1910- 1960. The list is given below:

  1. Anglade, A. c. 1915-1918 [1,910 plates of plants of the Palni hills].Located at: Anglade Institute of Natural History (SHC), Shembaganur.
  2. Anglade, A. 1941 Archeological Researches, Shembaganur.Caritas 4: 147 151.
  3. Anglade, A. 1954 Dolmens and Tombs of the Palni hills.
  4. Anglade, A. & 1928 The Dolmens of the Palni hills. L. V. Newton Mem. Archeol. Surv. India 36: 1 13, tt. 7.
  5. Chopra, R. S. 1930 Notes on south Indian Hepatics. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 7(8): 239 251, 427 439.
  6. Dahmen, F. 1908 The Paliyans, a hill tribe of the Palni hills, South India. Anthropos 3: 19 31.
  7. Dixon, H. N. & 1927 Contribution à la flore bryologique de l'Inde méridionale. R. Potier de Arch. Bot. (Paris) 1(8 9): 161 184, tt. 3 9. la Varde
  8. Dixon, H. N. 1930 Nouvelle contribution à la flore bryologique de l'Inde méridionale. Ann. Cryptog. Exot. 3(4): 168 193. 9. Foreau, G. 1930 Notes on bryological geography for the Presidency of Madras. J. Madras Univ. 2: 138 150 & 3: 118 126.
  9. Foreau, G. 1961 The moss flora of the Palni hills. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 58: 13 47.
  10. Foreau, G. 1964 Some south Indian mosses. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 61: 223 226.
  11. Frémy, P. 1927 Petite contribution à la flore des Myxophycées de l'Inde méridionale. Arch. Bot. Bull. Mens. 3: 47 57.
  12. Frémy, P. 1931 Deux Cyanophycées nouvelles de l'Inde méridionale. IN: Museum national d'histoire naturelle. 1931. Travaux cryptogamiques, dédiés a Louis Mangin. Paris. Pp. 103 108.
  13. Frémy, P. 1942 Cyanophycées de l'Inde méridionale. Blumea (Suppl. II): 21 40.
  14. Frémy, P. 1934 A propos de la présence en France de Nostochopsis lobatus Wood. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 81: 612 618.
  15. Fuller, N. A. 1955 Additions to the birds of the Palni hills, South India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 53: 265 267.
  16. Fuller, N. A. 1958 Additions to the birds of the Palni hills (south India). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 55: 159 160.
  17. Gense, J. H. 1944 Jean Fernand Caius of the Society of Jesus 1877 1944. Bombay. Pp. 95, tt.
  18. Gombert, E.c.1902 1910 [114 plates of orchids]. Located at: Anglade Institute of Natural History (SHC), Shembaganur.
  19. Government 1872 Proceedings of the Board of Revenue, G. O. of Madras No. 5786, dt. 6 11 '72.
  20. Hosten, J. 1888 Dolmens et cromlechs dans les Palnis, Pp. 48 71.
  21. Iyengar, M. O. P.1936 Characiosiphon, a new member of the Chlorophyceae. Preliminary note. J. Indian Bot. Soc.15: 313 318,t.23.
  22. Le Guen, L.(Ed.) 1945 St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly. Centenary Memorial Volume, 1844 1944. Tiruchirapalli: St. Joseph's College.
  23. Le Guen, L.(Ed.) 1946 Sacred Heart College, Shembaganur. Golden Jubilee Souvenir, 1895 1945. Shembaganur.
  24. Matthew, K. M. 1954 Botanical Inventory in the Museum. Located at: Anglade Institute of Natural History (SHC), Shembaganur.
  25. Matthew, K. M. 1959 The vegetation of Kodaikanal grassy slopes. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 56: 387 422.
  26. Matthew, K. M. 1962 The flora of Kodaikanal. Bull.Bot. Surv. India 4: 95 104.
  27. Matthew, K. M. 1965a A note on Wattle on the Palni hills. Indian Forester 91: 267 271.
  28. Matthew, K. M. 1965b The exotic flora of Kodaikanal. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 62: 56 75.
  29. Matthew, K. M. 1966 A preliminary list of plants from Kurseong. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 8: 158 168.
  30. Matthew, K. M. 1969a The exotic flora of Kodaikanal, Palni hills. Rec. Bot. Surv. India 20(1): 1 241.
  31. Matthew, K. M. 1969b A botanical exploration of Kurseong in the Darjeeling district, West Bengal. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 48: 289 295.
  32. Matthew, K. M. 1970a A contribution to the flora of Narthamalais. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 12: 80 91.
  33. Matthew, K. M. 1970b A bibliography of the botany of Sikkim. Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 24: 57 59.
  34. Matthew, K. M. 1971a The high altitude ecology of the Lantana. Indian Forester 97: 170 171.
  35. Matthew, K. M. 1971b The flowering of the Strobilanth (Acanthaceae). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 67: 502 506.
  36. Matthew, K. M. 1971c The Pteridophytes of the Darjeeling district. Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 25: 97 102.
  37. Matthew, K. M. 1972a The Rapinat Herbarium. Josephite 1972: 6 10.
  38. Matthew, K. M. 1972b The Rapinat Herbarium. Fl. Males. Bull. 26: 2012 13.
  39. Matthew, K. M. 1973 Location of type materials of some Indian mosses. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 39: 517 528.
  40. Matthew, K. M. 1974 The Rapinat Herbarium (RHT). Taxon 23: 887 888.
  41. Matthew, K. M. 1975a Mastixia (Cornaceae) revised. Proc. 62nd Indian Sci. Congr. 3: 83.
  42. Matthew, K. M. 1975b A botanist's impressions of some European centres of teaching and research. Josephite 1975: 14 19.
  43. Matthew, K. M. 1975c A contribution to the flora of the Pacchaimalis, Tiruchirapalli district,Tamilnadu. J.Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.72 :327 56.
  44. Matthew, K. M., 1976 Biological changes at Kodaikanal, 1949 74. F. Blasco & S. Ignacimuthu Trop. Ecol. 16: 147 62.
  45. Matthew, K. M. 1976a How a new species was not described. Botanica (Delhi) 26: 25 27.
  46. Matthew, K. M. 1976b Plant taxonomy in the Indian University. CoSIP Bull. (Madras) 3: 11 15.
  47. Matthew, K. M. 1976c A revision of the genus Mastixia (Cornaceae). Blumea 23: 51 93.
  48. Matthew, K. M. 1977a Is botany dying? CoSIP Bull. (Madras) 4: 11 14.
  49. Matthew, K. M. 1977b Reproductive biology of Bidens pilosa L. (Compositae). Curr. Sci. 46: 238 39.
  50. Matthew, K. M. 1977c Cornaceae IN: Fl. Males. Ser. I, 8(2): 85 97.
  51. Matthew, K. M. 1977d Collaboration between the Botanical Survey of India and Universities. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 19: 195 97.
  52. Matthew, K. M. 1977e The Rapinat Herbarium (RHT). Bull. Bot. Surv. India 19: 276 78.
  53. Matthew, K. M. 1978a Tropical botany: challenges, opportunities and responsibilities. Indian J. Forestry 1: 1 8.
  54. Matthew, K. M. 1978b The Carnatic flora project, Tamilnadu (Madras), India. Taxon 27: 314 15.
  55. Matthew, K. M. 1978c The urgent need of monographs in Indian taxonomic botany. Indian J. Forestry 1: 319 28.
  56. Matthew, K. M. 1979a A methodology for botanical revisions. Indian J. Forestry 2: 204 17.
  57. Matthew, K. M. 1979b A new combination of Gongronema (Asclepiadaceae) from India. Kew Bull. 34: 68.
  58. Matthew, K. M. 1979c New combinations in Malaxis (Orchidaceae) from India. Kew Bull. 34: 76.
  59. Matthew, K. M. 1981a An Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Kurseong, Darjeeling district, India. Dehra Dun.
  60. Matthew, K. M. 1981b Science training and culture in India. Biology 3(2): 12 17.
  61. Matthew, K. M. 1981c Materials for a Flora of the Tamilnadu Carnatic. Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
  62. Matthew, K. M. 1982a Some Christian contributions to science and development in India. CBCI (Tiruchi). (mimeograph). Located at: Rapinat Herbarium (RHT), Tiruchirapalli.
  63. Matthew, K. M. 1982b Some Jesuit contributions to science and development in India. Ignis 11(4): 13 19.
  64. Matthew, K. M. 1982c Botany and its technologies in peninsular India in the 18th & 19th centuries. Indian J. Hist. Sci. 17: 353 64.
  65. Matthew, K. M. 1982d Thonner's analytical key to the families of flowering plants (Review). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79: 395 96.
  66. Matthew, K. M. 1982e Illustrations on the Flora of the Tamilnadu Carnatic. Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
  67. Matthew, K. M. 1983a The Rapinat Herbarium. Josephite. 1983: 1 4.
  68. Matthew, K. M. 1983b The Flora of the Tamilnadu Carnatic. (3 parts). Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
  69. Matthew, K. M., 1983 Some rare plants of the Tamilnadu Carnatic.IN. S. John Britto & Jain, S.K.&R.R. Rao An Assessment of Threatened plants of N. Rani India. Howrah.
  70. Matthew, K. M. 1984 Botany in the Indian University. Biology Education 1(2): 17 22.
  71. Matthew, K. M. 1986a Updating plant taxonomy in India. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 65 (Suppl.): 59.
  72. Matthew, K. M. 1986b Environmental awareness and eco development in India: a training programme for students.Environm. Conserv. 13: 351 53.
  73. Matthew, K. M. 1987a Education for eco restoration. Jivan 8(4):22 23.
  74. Matthew, K. M. 1987b A Handbook of the Anglade Institute of Natural History, Shembaganur Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
  75. Matthew, K. M. 1987c Inventory of plant portraits at RHT. Located at: Rapinat Herbarium, Tiruchirapalli.
  76. Matthew, K. M. 1988a Natural History contributions of Madurai Jesuits. IN: Amaladass, A. 1988. Jesuit Presence in Indian History. Madras. Pp. 249 274.
  77. Matthew, K. M. 1988b Further Illustrations on the Flora of the Tamilnadu Carnatic. Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
  78. Matthew, K. M. 1988c Flora Malesiana, Ser. I, Spermatophyta, Flowering Plants 9(2):123 336. (Review). Phytomorphology 38: 87.
  79. Matthew, K. M. 1988d Alangiaceae IN: Nayar, M. P. et al. Fl. India Fascic. 19: 1 5.
  80. Matthew, K. M. 1988e Nyssaceae IN: Nayar, M. P. et al. Fl. India Fascic. 19: 234 35.
  81. Matthew, K. M. & 1988 Cornaceae IN: Nayar, M. P. et al. Fl. India Fascic. 19: 20 28. S. Alamelu
  82. Matthew, K. M. 1989a Plant taxonomy in India: present state and future tasks. J. Swamy Bot. Club 6(1 2): 27 32.
  83. Matthew, K. M. 1989b Hickey, M & C. King. 100 Families of Flowering Plants (Review). Phytomorphology 39(2 3): 259 60.
  84. Matthew, K. M. 1990 The flora of the upper Palnis and Kodaikanal. IN: Anon. Kodaikanal (Boat club centenary commemoration volume), 42 52.
  85. Matthew, K. M. 1991a Notes on the distribution of Bentinckia condapanna on the Palni hills in peninsular India.Principes 35(3):139 41.
  86. Matthew, K. M. 1991b Precursory notes on the flora of the Palni (Pulney) hills,South India. Kew Bull. 46(3): 539 46.
  87. Matthew, K. M. 1991c An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India. New Delhi.
  88. Matthew, K. M. 1991d Orshan, G. (Ed.) 1989. Plant Phenomorphological studies in Mediterranean type of ecosystems (Review). Phytomorpholgy 41: 197 98.
  89. Matthew, K. M. 1991e Environmental awareness generation in India. Jesuits 1992: 106 09.
  90. Matthew, K. M. 1992a A Manual for RHT and SHC Herbaria, India. Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
  91. Matthew, K. M. 1992b Corsi di Ecologia in India: Giovani de Ecologia. Popoli 1992(4): 16 18.
  92. Matthew, K. M., 1992c Environmental awareness generation and initiation into eco restoration work in south India. II Flora Malesiana Symposium (Indonesia) (abstracts).
  93. Matthew, K. M. 1992d Wachsendes Umweltbewubstein in Indien. Die Katholischen Missionen 1992(6): 194 97.
  94. Matthew, K. M. 1992a The Rio summit: rhetoric and wisdom. Social et al. Action 43: 60 72.
  95. Matthew, K. M. 1992b La Conferenza mondiale di Rio su ambiente e aviluppo La Civilta Cattolica 143(4): 560 77.
  96. Matthew, K. M. 1993a Act locally: the message from Rio. Jivan 14(1): 10 11.
  97. Matthew, K. M. 1993b In search of a theology of the environment. Vidyajyothi 57(4): 215 22.
  98. Matthew, K. M. 1993c The Earth Summit and the Two Standards of St. Ignatius : the message of the earth Summit III. Ignis 22(1): 39 43.
  99. Matthew, K. M. 1993d A two station botanical environmental centre in south India. Roy. Hort. Soc. Ireland (newsletter) 2 pp.
  100. Matthew, K. M. 1993e Awareness generation and training in nature conservation and eco development on the Western Ghats (Palni hills), India. IN: Werner, W. L. Aspects of Ecological problems and environmental awareness in South Asia (South Asian Studies) 26: 133 48.
  101. Matthew, K. M. 1993f Precursory notes for a Flora of the Palni hills, South India II. Kew Bull. 48: 757 65.
  102. Matthew, K. M. 1993g What Cosmogenesis means to me. Teilhard Review 28(3): 23 24.
  103. Matthew, K. M. 1993h Notes on an important botanical trip (1799 1800) of J. P. Rottler on the Coromandel Coast (India) with a translation of his original text, explanatory notes and a map. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 113: 351 88, with 1 figure.
  104. Matthew, K. M. &1993(1991) The flora of the Palni hills: a conservational and situation K. T. Mathew report. IN: Karunakaran, C. V. K. (ed.) Proceedings of the Symposium on rare, endangered and endemic plants of the Western Ghats. Thiruvananthapuram, Pp. 159 66.
  105. Matthew, K.M., 1993a Le sommet de Rio: rhetorique et sagesse. et al. Lumen Vitae 48(1): 23 36.
  106. Matthew, K. M. 1993b Vrcholne stretnutie V Riu de Janeiro. Viera a Zivot 117(2): 130 148. 117(2): 130 48
  107. .
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  109. Matthew, K. M. 1994b Mauve blossoms on the hills. The HINDU (Sunday supplement) xii (14 August 1994).
  110. Matthew, K. M. 1994c The greening of the Society. Promotio Justitiae (Rome) 1995: 6 8. (Reprinted in Jivan No. 76. 8 October l995).
  111. Matthew, K. M. 1994d A Handbook of the Anglade Institute of Natural History, Shembaganur. (ed. 2) Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
  112. Matthew, K. M. 1994e The last flowering for the 20th century: Strobilanthes kunthiana. Hornbill 1994(2): 31 32.
  113. Matthew, K. M. 1995a An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India. (ed. 2) New Delhi.
  114. Matthew, K. M. 1995b A two station botanical environmental establishment. Josephite 1995: 109 14.
  115. Matthew, K. M. 1996a Precursory notes on the flora of the Palni (Pulney) hills, South India III. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 20: 1 14.
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  124. Matthew, K. M. 1998e An enumeration of the flowering plants of the (Tiruchirapalli) District with brief notes for each (1279) species. IN: Velmani KSK (ed.) Gazetters of Tamil Nadu: Tiruchirapalli District. Volume 1 (877 pp.). Chennai: Tamil Nadu Archives.
  125. Matthew, K. M. 1998f My scientific and environmental apostolate. Caritas (Dindigul) 83(1): 24 37.
  126. Matthew, K. M. 1999a A review of some endangered plants in Tamil nadu with a lab to land scheme for their conservation. IN: Rajan, ST (ed.) Biodiversity and Ethnopharmacology. Vellore, Pp. 49 55.
  127. Matthew, K. M. 1999b A grassroots environmental awareness generation programme at Kodaikanal. In: Rajan, ST (ed.) Biodiversity and Ethnopharmacology. Vellore, Pp. 112 117.
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  131. Matthew, K. M. 1999f A report on the conservation status of south Indian plants. Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 779-796.
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  133. Matthew, K. M. 1999h The Flora of the Palni hills, South India 3 Volumes. Tiruchirapalli: Rapinat Herbarium.
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